How so-called cheaper ice melters compare to

Propellant 49 in the four critical areas

1. Composition

Propellant-49 is 100& chemically active - no inert ingredients - no fillers - nothing to track in.

Every ounce is compounded to give "Melting Power."

Contain up to 27% inerts or fillers.

Inerts do not melt ice.  They leave residue to track in buildings, and create a mess on sidewalks.

2. Performance

1/10 of a pound per square yard at 10 degree only under the most favorable conditions will melt 1.07 pounds of ice.

Loses efectiveness in six to eight hours. Does not work at all in sub-zero weather.

1/10 of a pound per square yard at 10 degrees Fahrenheit melts 2.12 pounds of ice.

Propellant-49 has Controlled Melting Action so it keeps on working at 65 degrees below zero.

3. Safety

Contains sodium chloride, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate or salts.  

These are the killer chemicals that attack grass, cemet, plants, etc.

Propellant-49 certified safe in independent tests conducted by the American Research and Tesing Laboratories.

4. Guarantee     


Guaranteed safe storage for 2 years.


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