1. Using your keyboard, fill out the below order form.
2. Then print, sign and Fax this form to the number shown below.
(This form may print out in several pages.)
Purchase Order #
Company Name
Billing Address
Zip Code
Shipping address (if different from billing address)
Ship to
Zip Code
Please read carefully and follow these easy steps
General Maintenance Products ORDER FORM
No. of containers
Size of Containers
Product Name
Price Per Gallon or Per Pound
Less 2% Cash with Order
(If tax exempt include certificate) Taxes
FREIGHT: Freight is PREPAID on all orders $1,000 and more.
Orders under $1,000 are handled check with order (or credit card) and customer pays freight.
Call for freight amount. Orders outside continental USA shipped F.O.B. Port of Exit only.
Invoices not paid are subject to interest at legal rate from due date.
Materials Specified in this order are for industrial, Commercial and Institutional use only
This is a non-cancelable order subject to acceptance by Pace Products, Inc.
It is for materials only as Pace does not contract for labor and is not responsible for application of its
products. No warrant or guarantee is expressed or implied except where required by law, including
warranties of fitness and merchantability, as to specific performance, as life expectancy will vary depending
on age of surface, climactic conditions, building construction, etc. Due to these factors over which the
company has no control, we are not responsible for damage to the building or its contents. Any and all
representations made by the company are contained in this order and Pace literature. Coverages are
estimates only and may differ depending on surface porosity.
The undersigned purchaser has fully read the above and understands it.
Buyers Signature
Please print name and title
Please use your Browser's Print button to print the completed form.
Sign it in the Authorized Buyers box and e-mail or FAX to:
FAX: 410-654-0513
This page is for credit card orders
All orders are F.O.B. shipping point - freight added
Name as it appears on credit card
Account #
Expiration Date
MANUALLY Add the CWV (3-digit code) on the back of your credit card here: